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"This is Where You'll Find Me" turns 1 year today!


Released on February 25, 2021 in the middle of the worst period of the pandemic, this album got raving reviews from media outlets all over Europe and North America and really helped to put our name out there at a time where we couldn't even leave our homes. And to celebrate it's first birthday, we have great news to announce:


Together with our label Burnout Records, we are launching today the official presale of the vinyl edition of "This is Where You'll Find Me". After almost a year of delays from the manufacturers, we finally got word that the vinyl will be delivered to us in two more weeks, and we will be ready to begin shipping them out shortly after that! Thank you so much for your support and also for your patience while we sorted out these issues with the printing process. We hope you enjoy having a piece of our story in your hands, and that it brings you as much joy as it brought us to make it...

Fellowcraft - This is where you'll find me (LP)

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